Hope in the Job Market

Hope in the Job Market

Tom Hardy

This week Tom Hardy says, “Spread the news; there is hope in the job market.” I’ve seen it too. In the past few days two people have reported that they found a very good job and ended a three-year job search, two clients have reported raises at their new job, and three clients have reported a short job search (less than 60 days). Congratulations to Melvin, Alfred, Scott, Tom, Matt, Marty and Stacy.

I had the pleasure of working with Tom Hardy as a client last year. He combined some fantastic training and a world-class résumé with a little curiosity to identify a target company. When I went to a party to celebrate his new job, he told me in detail about how he aced the interviews. He gave me a lot of credit, but I remember saying to him, “Tom, even if I had your skill set, I don’t think I could have navigated all those hurdles as well as you did.”

Someone on our board of directors asked me to publish a career management letter every now and then. This was is a text-book example. We’re not just trying to land a job, but to also manage our careers for years to come. Congratulations Tom!

There is hope in the market. Get on board the train.

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I just wanted to drop you a quick line. Yesterday I celebrated my one-year anniversary at RaceTrac Petroleum. I love this job!!! I love this career!!! I want you to know that RaceTrac is a great company with solid core values. I implement those values and most of the methods I learned from you to stay motivated and on task each and every day.

Tomorrow I will “turn over” my 12th and 13th store to our construction team. That is the most in the last 12 months of all the RaceTrac project managers. I am on pace to set records by the end of the year. I have come in and separated myself from my contemporaries because I leverage my experience and knowledge to better my position’s methodology.

My supervisors and bosses have been thoroughly impressed with my work ethic and commitment. They ask me why am I different. I told them I have been provided a second chance at an awesome career and I will not be “hungry” again; not going to be complacent. The future looks bright.

I want you to know that I could not have landed this job without your help. Thank you so much for the methods, means, and direction to help me land this “dream job!”

Spread the news and let everyone know that there is hope in the market. You just have to keep that HIPPO score up, work LinkedIn, and look for every opportunity. Remember, I found RaceTrac because they opened the store in Fayetteville in the summer of 2011. I said, “Hey there’s a company growing in this economy… I wonder what they do?”

The rest is my success story.

Thanks again!!!

Tom Hardy, RLA
Engineering Project Manager
RaceTrac Petroleum